Rain, rain, please don’t go away!

Rain, rain, please don’t go away!

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Lately my yard has been suffering from lack of water. While it doesn’t crunch (yet) when you step on it, I know that soon it will. Wilmington, NC is suffering from a drought (currently Wilmington’s rainfall deficit is over 8 inches). Not something any of us like to think about but it’s true. The days of mud puddles seem like a dream. And while we are not under a water constriction (yet), we all should still consider how to maintain our property’s curb appeal without draining the water supply. Here are some easy to follow tips on keeping up your yard’s curb appeal without watering daily:

  1. Mulch. Mulch is a wonderful way to keep moisture close to your plants and brighten up a dull looking yard. Apply a layer of nice colored mulch and when you water, see less runoff.

  2. Remove/prune dead leaves. Dead plants kill your curb appeal. By keeping dead leaves and plants out of your yard, dry grass is less noticeable.

  3. Plant native plants. While you should consider heavily the risk of planting during a drought, opting for native plants is a great option. They are more resistant to our climate because they are naturally designed to grow here.

  4. Water flowers wisely. If you really want flowers in your yard, watch our video on easily watering your plants.

  5. When you do water, water deeply, less often and for longer amounts of time. This promotes deep root growth verses frequently watering for short amounts of time. Bear in mind that while we are not under mandatory water conservation, practicing smart watering will help us all in future. For even more tips, check out the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority’s Conservation Advisory Stages.


Have any great tips on maintaining your yard's curb appeal during a drought? Share your comments!


Written by Mary Beth Tice, Team Gale Marketing Assistant

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Posted in Seller Tips on Jun 13, 2011