Moving Tips: Make Unpacking Less Daunting
Coldwell Banker Blue Matter has articles on everything from kitchen updates to ideas for holiday decorating to understanding real estate jargon.
Contributor Lindsey Chamberlain shared some tips for de-stressing the process of unpacking in your new place. Read her complete list here.
Clean your home or apartment before you move in! Areas like the kitchen and bathroom will be so much easier to clean without a clutter of boxes. Set aside some time to give the important areas of your new home a thorough once-over.
Your movers and helpers are likely to be way more enthusiastic and limber at the start of the day, so move those big items first! Beds, couches, tables, dressers, and any significant appliances should be loaded in to your new space ASAP. It's a practical maneuver too, so that you're not shifting stacks of boxes out of the way or tripping over them when you try to arrange your room with the furniture later.
Label those boxes! A color-coordinated system and numbers will help dictate what goes where, and what to unpack first.
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Posted in Buyer Tips, News You Can Use, Team Gale on Sep 23, 2015